Billing portal (Stripe for USA and Cashfree for India) 

In Rocon, we use Stripe’s gateway for payments. As of now we’re providing services only in USA.  All your payment cards will be encrypted with stripe, we don’t store your card details. 

Billing portal can be accessed only by owner of the organization or yourself for personal license.  

In an organization you can invite any number of people with different given roles, Admin and Standard user. Respective roles have their own permissions for operating in organization. 

Buying a plan if you are a new user/new org 

  • If you are a new user from plans page of our marketig site, after signup you will be wlecomed with a popup to buy the selected plan.
  • You can buy the plan or yourself or you can create an organization directly and buy the plan for created organization.
  •  If you want to buy plan for organizatlion select “Organiaztion”, here you can create a new organization and you can buy the plan for that created organization.
  • By clicking on “Pay Now” you’ll be redirected to Stripe’s portal if you selected “USA” while signup and Cashfree portal if you selected “India”.Stripe payment portal (USA)Cashfree payment portal (India)
  • You can also get the paytment link, you can use that link to send a person so that they can pay form anywhere.
  • You can also cancel the link.


Accessing billing portal

  • You can go to billing portal via plans page 
  • In organization you can access billing portal through organization dashboard, or it can be accessed by clicking on ‘Billing Details’ from Billing and other information tab. In organization only Owner has all the permissions whereas an Admin can have permission only to view. A user doesn’t have any permissions to access billing portal. 


Access billing form Individual or organization dashboard



Access billing form “Billing and other information”

  • To access billing portal for personal license you can either access it from personal dashboard or from settings page. 
  • For next steps go to upgrading/downgrading 
  • If you are an existing user, select your preferred plan and click on buy now, it will open a popup, select the license category (Individual/organization), organization (if selected org as category) and duration for your plan. 
  • Even though you are an existing user, if your buying plan for new organization you need to give you payment credentials to buy the plan. 
  • Once you enter the credentials click on finish to buy the plan. 
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