Modify your payment details #


Adding a payment method #

  • If you want to add another payment method, go to billing portal. 
  • In the payments page click on ‘Add payments method’, this will redirect you to another page. 
  • Here give your new card details and click on ‘Add payment method’ to save your payment method. 


Making a payment method default #

  • To make you card default, click on actions and select ‘Make default’. 
  • This will make your selected payment method default for all purchases. 


Deleting a payment method #

  • To delete your payment method, click on actions and select delete. 
  • This will remove your payment method. 


Adding/updating Tax id and address #

  • To update your tax id and address click on ‘Edit’ from actions button. This will redirect you to Billing information page. 
  • In billing information page, you can update your address and you can add up to 5 tax id’s. 
  • After filling all the details and click on save to update your information. 

Invoice history #

  • You can view/download you invoices from billing portal. 
  • In invoice history, at dates click on actions button. This will redirect you to your invoice page. 
  • Here you can either view or download your invoice by clicking on ‘download invoice’ button. 
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