Organization Dashboard #


After creating an organization you’ll be redirected to organization dashboard. Here you’ll be able to see all the details of your organization.

  • This page will allow you to check the plan your organization has, the graph of your plan usage and more.
  • The advertisement will be scrollong automatically, this will let you know the latest updates of ROCON.
  • In plans you can see in which plan you’re currently on and the add-ons if you have any.
  • In Plan usage you can see the usage of your plan. You can see the usage of your plan by day, week or month.


  • Below the plans usage you have “Sites” and “User Activities”.
  • In sites you can see the recently viewed sites, and upon clicking on “See All” option you’ll be redirected to “Sites Overview” page by filtering out the sites of your organization.
  • In user activities you can see all the activities your organization had. You can view the activity of your organization by day, week or month.



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